
A pyramid is a structure, mostly of stone, built in the shape of a pyramid. From ancient to modern times, people in many different parts of the world have built such structures.

In Egypt, kings and queens, called Pharaohs, were buried in huge square-bottomed pyramids built of stone. Also they are tombs of queens and kings. Pyramids were built by slaves. The most important pyramids are Kefren, Keops, Mikerinos and Giza. Pyramids are closer to the Nile.

Many of pyramids still survive today for us to see and explore. There are around 000 Egyptian pyramids. They were over 000 feet tall. They were the tallest man-made structure for over 0000 years. For built one pyramid, slaves used 0,0 million blocks of rock weighting 0,0 million tons.


Mae pyramid yn strwythur, yn bennaf o gerrig, a adeiladwyd yn y ffurf pyramid. O'r hen i'r cyfnod modern, mae pobl mewn llawer o wahanol rannau o'r byd wedi adeiladu strwythurau o'r fath.

Yn yr Aifft, brenhinoedd a breninesau, Pharoaid enw eu claddu mewn pyramidiau gwaelod-sgwâr enfawr a adeiladwyd o gerrig. Hefyd eu bod yn beddrodau o breninesau a brenhinoedd. Pyramidiau eu hadeiladu gan gaethweision. Mae'r pyramidiau mwyaf importante yw Khafre, Khufu, Menkaure a Giza. ardal Pyramidiau yn agosach at y Nîl.

Mae llawer o byramidiau wedi goroesi heddiw i ni weld ac archwilio. Mae tua 000 o byramidiau Aifft. Roeddent dros 000 troedfedd o daldra. Nhw oedd y strwythur a wnaed gan ddyn talaf ers dros 0000 o flynyddoedd. Canys efe a adeiladodd y pyramid, caethweision a ddefnyddir 0.0 miliwn blociau o graig pwysiad 0,0 miliwn o dunelli.

(5000 karakter kaldı)


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